Saturday, April 21, 2007


....President Bush has warmed to strategies and ideas he once rejected to turn around the violence and chaos in Iraq - such as sending thousands more troops to the country in an effort to calm Baghdad. His new crop of Iraq leaders bypasses ideologues and loyalists in favor of professionals with previous experience in Iraq and war zones.

"None of them are particularly ideological or were associated with the original public push for the war," said Kurt Campbell, chief executive officer of the nonpartisan, centrist Center for a New American Security. The new leaders "are probably quietly appalled that we find ourselves in the situation that we do in Iraq," Campbell said. Olbermann: Condi's inaccurate historical comparison (SEE IT)

Baghdad Burning reports that: 'The World Health Organisation reported on Tuesday that Iraq’s hospitals are so dysfunctional that “70 percent of all critically injured patients with violence-related wounds die in emergency and intensive care units due to a shortage of competent staff and a lack of drugs and equipment”.'

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